Getting started

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Getting started

This section covers different options to set up and run Kubernetes.

Different Kubernetes solutions meet different requirements: ease of maintenance, security, control, available resources, and expertise required to operate and manage a cluster.

You can deploy a Kubernetes cluster on a local machine, cloud, on-prem datacenter, or choose a managed Kubernetes cluster. You can also create custom solutions across a wide range of cloud providers, or bare metal environments.

More simply, you can create a Kubernetes cluster in learning and production environments.

Learning environment

If you’re learning Kubernetes, use the Docker-based solutions: tools supported by the Kubernetes community, or tools in the ecosystem to set up a Kubernetes cluster on a local machine.

Local machine solutions table that lists the tools supported by the community and the ecosystem to deploy Kubernetes.
Community Ecosystem
Minikube CDK on LXD
kind (Kubernetes IN Docker) Docker Desktop
IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition)
IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition) on Linux Containers

Production environment

When evaluating a solution for a production environment, consider which aspects of operating a Kubernetes cluster (or abstractions) you want to manage yourself or offload to a provider.

For a list of Certified Kubernetes providers, see “Partners”.
